Mr. Mcclung gave several pointers on how to become a good teacher. These points include: read the crowd, it will help you gain and keep their attention; be flexible, you will never know how the day will go; communicate, it is the best remedy to prevent and resolve conflict; be resonable,not everyone will hold up to your expectations; listen, it will show that you care; do not be afraid of technology, it will open up doors to oppurtunity; and never stop learning, it will broaden both yours and the student's horizon.
I thought that Mr. Mcclung's essay was very interesting. I do believe that teachers today get wrapped up in what their supervisors want them to do. Why wouldn't they? They are observed at least once a year and forced to teach material that was chosen by someone else. I think, that if this mold was broken and a teacher could teach what they thought was important, a better connection with the audiance would be established.
Also, I like Mcclung's argument about being reasonable. Not all students are going to perform at the level that you would like them to do. Some students might have learning dissabilities that might put them behind other students.
Mr.Mcclung's article "What I've Learned This Year"
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