• Judgement
• Negotiation
• Appropriation
• Play
• transmedia navigation
• simulation
• collective intelligence
• performance
• distributed cognition
• visualization
• multitasking
I think the skills I possess is judgement, multitasking, and play. I am good at depicting creditable sites. I like to get a lot of my information from sites such as the Alabama virtual library. Multitasking can be very easy for me as is for most females. As of right now I'm toggling between several screens to gather this information, tutoring someone in math, and somewhat listening to the news in the background. The clip describes play as a form of branching out from the norm to achieve a common goal. I am all for trying new ways to learn things. I hope to acquire the rest of the skills.
I think all of these skills are necessary in the 21st century. Especially the skill play. It is needed for all of us to learn new things. Judging what is credible is also important.
I like your picture and agree about how woman are good at multitasking.